                event: 'blur',
                rules: {
                        number_field: {
                                required: true,
                                number: true
                        } // You know what to put here
                errorPlacement: function (error, element) {

Using the errorPlacement event/callback you can place the label
whereever you want. It's automatically generated with class="error" so
you can apply styling to it.

Emil Ivanov

On May 20, 10:59 pm, Scott Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure if I'm just missing this or what, but I'm using Jörn's
> wonderful form validation plug-in and can't seem to find how to add an
> error class to the label next to the input field that didn't
> validate.
> Please don't mistake this as a question about the error messaging, as
> that's working just fine. But I also want to add that same error class
> to the label of the failed input.
> Any thoughts?

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