I have to admit that I haven't found a faster solution.
removeAttribute() just takes to much time. So perhaps the serializer
should be "fixed". This would mean a slow down for Internet Explorer
on html(), but this seems ok for me, as this is a Internet Explorer

That's absolutely a possibility - could you add that as a comment to
the bug? I could definitely work with that as a valid solution.

Something different: merge() uses "for ( var i = 0; second[i]; i++ )"
for loops, all other cases where such a loop was used, it's like "for
( var i = 0, fl = first.length; i < fl; i++ )". If the way merge()
does it work a few bits could be saved.

This is due to the fact that, when matching a NodeSet, in Internet
Explorer and Opera, elements with an id of 'length' replace the length
property, making it impossible to iterate through the set. This is one
alternative to iterating through that is slightly slower (but at least
it works properly).


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