Print style sheets are a unique beast. For example you can't expect
background (colors or images) to print. Once using JavaScript to
manipulate your page you have to be careful to understand how that is
going to impact your print style sheet. Inline styles will overwrite
styles in the print style sheet. You will need to use the !important
key word on any rules that might be overwritten and with IE you can
always hook into the onbeforeprint and onafterprint events.

In the end you'll realize that you are very, very limited to what you
can do when printing.

You might find this ALA article helpful:

Brandon Aaron

On 5/26/07, Feed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello all,

I've used jQuery to manipulate, stripe and add hover effect to all
tables in my website (dozens of tables). There's a print button in my
website and I didn't remember to test it until now. OMG, all the
striping is gone. I'm not a programming guru, in fact I'm a designer
but I have to deal with code often. Well, is there way to make jQuery
actually MAKE the changes to the HTML code instead of making it on the
fly (only viewable in the monitor)? I know, it's not a server-side
language, but I'm kinda desperated right now.

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