don't use an anonymous function with ready. use a named one, and then just
call it again (and again).

On 5/29/07, Brandon Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

ready() is just a special method that handles the DOM Ready event. I
can't think of a use-case where one would need to force the call to
ready but you can do so by calling jQuery.ready(). Once the function
runs, it won't run again.

I'm not sure what, if any, the consequences of doing this are. Perhaps
the problem can be solved in a better way?

Brandon Aaron

On 5/29/07, MathiasBank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good evening,
> It is possible to call
> 1. $('#field').trigger("click");
> 2. $(document).trigger("myOwnEvent");
> But it seems, that this is not possible to call
> $(ducument).trigger("ready");
> Is "ready" not an event? (Yes, I mean ready from $
> (document).ready(function() {...})). I need to recall this event,
> because I have changed a big part of my page.
> Mathias

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