IE and Safari actually can handle animations very well. Perhaps it is
because they have more access to system resources than the other browsers.
I'm not exactly sure of the whys but IE does tend to handle timers better.
Firefox has some severe issues with timers, especially with lots of them.
I'm not really sure whats up with opera. It is usually very fast with

Brandon Aaron

On 5/31/07, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Okay, I'll give it a try, once I've gotten a link.

I understand that the animate() function in 1.1.2 starts a timer for
every element attribute being animated, so if you're doing width,
height, top, left you fire four timers per element being moved.  Is
this correct?  I'm assuming one of the 1.1.3 improvements is reducing
timer usage, yes?

That's kind of got me curious, can IE handle lots of timers running at
once better than FireFox?  Or does IE do a better job with animation
because it's tied into Windows and can access the graphical subsystem
at a lower level than the cross-platform Firefox and Opera can?

On May 31, 2:32 pm, "Brandon Aaron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jQuery 1.1.3 aims to provide huge performance boost to multiple
> Feel free to give jQuery 1.1.3a a whirl and let us know if that helps
> any.
> --
> Brandon Aaron
> On 5/31/07, Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am working on a project that involves a varying, but potentially
> > quite large number of elements being animated at once, with each
> > element's top, left, width and height all changing together.
> > I use FireFox as my main development browser due to the range of
> > developer-friendly plugins available, and also test in IE and Opera.
> > My code runs as intended in all three but there are some issues with
> > smoothness.  In Internet explorer the animation remains smooth under
> > all the cicsumstances I've bee able to throw at it with my test
> > suite.  In Firefox, however, the move animation is a little choppy,
> > and in Opera it is EXTREMELY choppy!
> > I am planning to include an option where the user can turn animation
> > effects off but it would be nice to try and get the performance up in
> > the non IE browsers.  If you guys have any tips or advice you can
> > offer I would appreciate hearing it.

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