(I clumsily posted this as a new topic yesterday (http://
b8471b7990296b12?hl=en); I am reposting it here -- hopefully in the
correct thread -- with advance apologies for the clutter.)

Great work!

An issue I have experienced with both the original datePicker and v2
involves the date's text input field "breaking" to a new line when
using a button to trigger datePicker instead of the "Choose date"

E.g., instead of:

Start date: [text input] [.png]

The display appears as:

Start date:
[text input][.png]

I gather it has something to do with using a float in the style
declaration for a.dp-choose-date. Before I wade into experimenting
with alternate style declarations, I am wondering if anyone else has
already come up with a different markup that allows a label, text
input, and date selector button to appear on the same line.

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