> I've found that it is somewhat unreliable to add object elements using
> innerHTML.  For my media plugin I resorted to using DOM methods to add
> media in IE.  For an example, look at the "generate" method at the
> bottom of this file:  http://malsup.com/jquery/media/jquery.media.js

Thanks for your suggestion. I'm fairly new to jQuery, so I appreciate
some patience.

I assume that .html() and .append() are DOM functions, while .load()
uses innerHTML?

I tried to test things out this way (IE-only Object method):

<script src="thickbox/jquery-latest.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></
        <div>Above movie</div>
        <div id='TB_movie'></div>
        <div>Below movie</div>
        <script type="text/javascript">
                var o = "<object 
\" codebase=\"http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab\"; width=
\"200\" height=\"100\"><param name=\"src\" value=\"serve/sample.mov\" /
><param name=\"controller\" value=\"true\" /><param name=\"autoplay\"
value=\"false\" /></object>";
                // $("#TB_movie").append(o);

... but if you check the results:
... they're anything but what I'd expect.

Not only do I not get the control bar, but I also get the QuickTime
stuck in the top-left corner of the screen, though space is still
reserved for it in the appropriate place.

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