Is there a way to call the div containing the fade list code, only if
there is jquery support.
Obviously it wouldn't load if there was no js. The absolute
positioning and z-indexing sounds troublesome.
I try not to absolutely position anything normally.
Thanks joel.

On Jun 5, 1:31 pm, Joel Birch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 06/06/2007, at 3:12 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi All, I'm hoping this is an easy fix.
> > Normally on the images list sample:
> >
> > The images all load when there is now javascript support.
> > I'm planning to use an innerfade list of images in the header design
> > of a site.
> > I'ld like for the innerfade images to not load at all, if there is no
> > javascript support.
> > Or maybe the CSS could handle loading only 1 background image for that
> > div.
> > Any ideas?
> > It's not a big concern that there won't be javascript support, just a
> > general precaution.
> Something I have done before is change all but the first image into
> links to the images, Then use CSS to position all the li elements
> absolutely on top of each other and z-index the first (and now only)
> image on top of the links, obscuring them from view. Then, just
> before calling your slideshow plugin (innerfade in your case) run
> this simple plugin I wrote, upon the same containing element you are
> about to run innerfade on:
> $.fn.anchorsToImg =     function() {
>         this.find("a").add(this.filter("a")).each(function() {
>                 if (this.href.substr(this.href.length-4)==('.jpg' || '.gif' ||
> '.png') ) {
>                         var $$ = $(this);
>                         $$.after('<img src="'+$$.attr("href")+'" alt="" 
> />').remove();
>                 }
>         }).end();
>         return this;
> };
> So your calling code may look like something like this:
> $('.gallery').anchorsToImg().innerfade();
> the anchorsToImg plugin will, um, change all the anchors found
> anywhere within the element it is called upon into img tags, thereby
> providing innerfade with the structure it needs. If JavaScript is
> unavailable, only the one image is shown and the other images are not
> downloaded but still remain accessible (at least in non-CSS
> situations) via the links.
> Good luck.
> Joel Birch.

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