On 06/06/2007, at 12:22 PM, Joel Birch wrote:
Then the only problem you have is CSS related. Your submenu widths are sort-of collapsed until fully animated in, and then they suddenly go to their proper width. I have experienced this before and it can be solved by making sure that all the submenu's elements are given explicit widths and making sure that the a, li and ul elements' padding and widths add up to the same total width. I can't remember exactly which of those elements is the culprit but it just takes a bit of tweaking to get perfect.

If you change the width for the selector '#nav li ul' from 150px to 225px, the collapsing widths problem is solved also. The menu should now be perfect in Firefox.

The timed delay of one second really helps the usability of you menu! Because there are so many links tightly-packed together, negotiating to the nested submenus can get really tricky without the timed delay, but with it you can mouse diagonally and cut corners making the experience far less infuriating.

Thanks for using Superfish, Jason. Let me know if you have any more issues. Until then, I had better stop replying to myself ;)

Joel Birch.

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