There is a gallery with several thumbnails, and when I click on one of them I can get a bigger version on a div, when I click on that bigger version I get a thickbox version of the picture. You can see an example in the URL: http://www.icorpal.com/index.php?seccion=promociones <http://www.icorpal.com/index.php?seccion=promociones&codigo=8> &codigo=8 This works on Firefox and IE7, but the substitution of the bigger version and the thickbox is not working on IE6. The code to achieve this is: To change the href of the thickbox and to change the bigger image: $("a.preview_promocion").each(function(){this.onclick = (function(){$("a#thickbox_loader").attr("href","images/inmuebles/"+this.id+" .jpg"); $("#vista_promocion img").attr("src", "http://www.icorpal.com/helpers/image_cropped.php?width=300&height=200&posit ion=center&quality=75&codigo="+this.id); })}); To get the default bigger image when the page loads (this works on IE6): $("#vista_promocion").load_image("http://www.icorpal.com/helpers/image_cropp ed.php?width=300&height=200&position=center&quality=75&codigo=617"); That script refers to the next HTML code: <div id='images_promocion_container'> <a id="thickbox_loader" href="images/inmuebles/617.jpg" class="thickbox"><div id='vista_promocion'></div></a> <div id="mycarousel"> <ul id="images_promocion"> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="preview_promocion" id="617" title="" alt=""><img src="images/inmuebles/tb_617.jpg" alt="" width="96"/></a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="preview_promocion" id="621" title="" alt=""><img src="images/inmuebles/tb_621.jpg" alt="" width="96"/></a></li> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="preview_promocion" id="636" title="" alt=""><img src="images/inmuebles/tb_636.jpg" alt="" width="96"/></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> It is like the each(function() and this.id is not working on IE6. Thank you in advanced. I revised the code but now I´m lost.