Diego A. wrote:
Keep in mind I don't using TinyMCE, I use FCKEditor, but the principle
should be the same...

Basically, I write a small plugin that is responsible for
1. Creating an instance of the editor
2. Retrieving the HTML content from the editor and 'preparing' it for
form submission

For example...
$.FCK.Start(); // creates the editors
$.FCK.Update(); // updates the editors

At the moment, all my form submissions go through one function that
will always call the $.FCK.Update() method, but this could be
integrated with other plugins - in their configuration
For example...
if (options.FCKEditor) $.FCK.Update();

My implementation is very specific to my needs, but I can send you the
code and help you work on a more generic solution if you like.
That would indeed be interesting!

Jörn Zaefferer


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