Maybe I'm missing the point. First of all, what do you mean by "dl"? Secondly, and maybe this is being pedantic or something, but why would someone brand new to the list need to know how to post a thread that says, "Hey I found a new site that uses jQuery"? It seems like a pretty basic thing. Also, if they read the list they'll see similar postings and just follow suit. Otherwise they do it "wrong" once or twice and someone on the list gently points out the community established format for that particular type of post. Easy. Done.

Doesn't really need to be more complicated than that. IMO anything else would be overkill.

Also, I was being mostly factitious about using a long subject like that. I think Rey's suggestions are fine. :o)


John Farrar wrote:


How is a new user going to know to do that on the front side? Your creating a "dl" interface language just to use the list! LOL, now that is a bit crazy. IMO it's not the number of words it's that it takes a good cause in a complicated direction. One of the virtues of jQuery is not being overloaded with un-needed functions. (Now should we turn around and develop the dl in the opposite direction?) Keep it simple is my thought.


Christopher Jordan wrote:

Also, you can't really get more self explainitory than "SITE SUBMISSION: blah". Well, maybe you could with "SITES THAT USE JQUERY: blah"


Rey Bango wrote:

Good feedback John. Our primary method of communication at the moment is the mailing list so what I'd like to see is everyone nicely give a nudge to anyone that doesn't submit a site using the prefix. Eventually, most folks will catch on and we can tackle those that aren't aware on a case-by-case basis.


John Farrar wrote:
New users won't know this and posts will get lost and confused over night. Which means we will have to ignore the heading also.

Better solution... multiple lists or a forum. (I believe we have forgot the value of Newsgroups and Forums and try to do to much on discussion lists.)

John Farrar

Rey Bango wrote:
Hey guys,

I usually take care of site submissions and I do my best to stay on top of it. I've found that I've missed a couple of submissions to the list as they got mixed in with others and I just overlooked it.

So I would like to propose a prefix for any site submissions that would allow me to create a message filter and catch them accordingly. I'm thinking something like this:

SITE SUBMISSION: The rest of the subject line

an example would be:

SITE SUBMISSION: Please to the list of sites



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