Glen Lipka wrote:
I had a little bit of free time, so I started an "easeBox". Like thickbox, but with easing transitions.
Cool. I like it already.

I made a list of things I want to do to it on it.
Any suggestions to add to the list?
Any suggestions of how I could improve the code?
I have no idea how to make it into a plugin.

Continuing to work on it, but help is greatly appreciated.
I like to be able to click somewhere in the document to hide any popups.
Navigating between images should be possible using the cursor keys. Any other combination (n, p, ",", ";") seems very unintuitive. Navigation images should be always in the same place, eg. lower right corner. Posititiong them relative to the image is extremely annoying when navigating between images with different sizes. You can't keep clicking but have to target the button again and again. Presentation wise a greyed out background and think black and white borders are very nice. Make it look like a picture frame: Grey background, think black border (>30px), thin white border (15-30px). D&D and resizable seems to be rather useless as long as you can't open more then one image at a time. ... Okay, its currently possible with your script, but is that really useful? For the gallery stuff I'd like to have one or more callbacks when the user opens and closes and cycles between images. That would make it easy to add some neat stuff like sounds of a slide projector.

For making it a plugin: There still is available. Its not really up-to-date but still a good reference. Apart from that you can learn a lot by reading other's code.

Jörn Zaefferer

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