
I think I can clarify this. Interface is an official plugin and a big part of the jQuery project. Both Stefan & Paul, the authors and maintainers of Interface, are members of the jQuery project team whose primary task is to work on effects.

The relationship is more like Prototype/Scriptaculous than YUI/Ext. There are no plans to directly embed something like Interface into the core jQuery library because we want to maintain a small compact framework for working with JS, DOM & Ajax. We prefer to keep them apart so the community can choose what's appropriate for their project.

As for hosting, Interface's code is actually hosted on the jQuery SVN.


Erik Beeson wrote:

While it's arguing a bit of a technicality, I maintain that Interface
is not part of the core development of jQuery, and that it's still
very much an addon, not a true first class citizen like in Ext/YUI.

"Interface has been adopted as an officially-sponsored jQuery plugin"

While Interface is made by jQuery developers, it's still just a
plugin, and isn't even hosted on (or even specially promoted much on)
the main site.

Even so, Interface is not Ext/YUI, and it probably never will be
(which I like about it, btw). I think Interface falls about in the
middle between vanilla jQuery and a heavier widget driven library.


On 6/27/07, Ganeshji Marwaha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>While some people have used it to build
>some desktop application type widgets, I don't think that is really
>the primary focus of the core development team.

Is "interface" not part of core development team?


On 6/27/07, Erik Beeson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you're looking for really fancy Desktop Application type controls,
> jQuery probably isn't the right library for you. jQuery is awesome at
> being a really small, blazing fast library that adds just the right
> amount of features to the javascript language that it actually makes
> javascript development fun(tm). It's like javascript++, and it's
> really good at what it does. While some people have used it to build
> some desktop application type widgets, I don't think that is really
> the primary focus of the core development team.
> However, jQuery does play along just fine with the other "heavyweight"
> frameworks/libraries that you mentioned. There's even some sort of
> thing for integrating jQuery with Ext I believe. So there's no reason
> that you couldn't use the YUI or Ext components if you wanted to.
> That's not to discourage developers from building widgets with jQuery.
> I use jqModal, jEditable, and parts of Interface all the time and I'm
> very glad to not have to load up a big library like YUI to get those
> features. I'm just saying, use the tool that is appropriate for your
> needs :)
> --Erik
> On 6/26/07, John Farrar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > The intention of this post is to spark a plug-in dream list.
> >
> > Here's mine...
> >
> > 1. Tree (like the one in EXTjs)
> > 2. Grid (like the one in EXTjs)
> > ... if your wondering, I want to do server side markup, and modify only
> > when needed. :)
> > 3. Windows component. (Popup divs rather than windows that are select
> > box safe of course)
> > 4. Dialogs (msgBox, inputBox, etc.)... modal ready  of course.
> > 5. slider input (feeds a hidden form field of course) with dual sliders
> > range points of course
> > 6. color requestor
> > 7. date/time requestor
> > 8. drag/drop tile/list components with common drag data interface for
> > clean interaction
> > 9. Menus
> > 10. toolbar (sorry, not sold on the ribbon as good web senario yet...
> > 11. ... add yours here.
> >
> > likely some of these things are out there already, but this is
> > just a shortlist of the "ideal" plugin library. Perhaps they should
> > start a survey to see what features are wanted most!
> >

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