Hi Josh,

I wonder if you could get your <tr> through a different ajax method and then append it to the <tbody> once it's retrieved. Something like this, perhaps:

$.get('prodsched/dom_dpdcolorrow.html', function(data){
  $(data).appendTo('#' + asp + '_tbody');

Not positive it will work, but worth a shot.

Karl Swedberg

On Jun 27, 2007, at 12:27 PM, JoshN wrote:

OK, after some Googling I found out that in IE6, innerHTML within a
table is read-only.  Since the jQuery load method uses innerHTML, you
can't load a <tr> into a table.  Crap.

On Jun 26, 6:01 pm, "Josh Nathanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey all,

I have a script that does an ajax load into a tbody jQuery object, like so:

$tbl = $("#" + asp + "_tbody"); // dynamically finds tbody
     ); // load html content (tr's) into tbody

The html file consists of a table row <tr> with some junk in it.

It works great on Firefox but gives the error "unknown runtime error" in IE6. Is this an issue with IE6 not being able to innerHTML a tbody or
something?  If so is there a workaround?  Thanks for any help.

-- Josh

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