Robert O'Rourke wrote:
> Glad to have the new version of jQuery out, the speed improvements are
> really nice.
> I'm trying it out with the datePicker plugin and it seems fine.
> I'm having trouble getting the datePicker to work with the linked select
> elements example. I'm trying to make it loop through the document
> looking for elements with a class of 'date-select' and then set up a
> scoped set of events on the descendant select boxes and anchor tag.
> There's a bit much code to post in the email here's a link to the page
> I'm working on:
> As far as I can tell, using $('a', this) etc.. should work but I'm
> getting no js errors and no datePicker. Has anyone done something like
> this with the datePicker before? It's for generated date selects so this
> is the best solution for the job.
> Cheers,
> Rob

Sorted it now, was a combination of muppetry and not understanding how
$(this) works when a function is stored as a variable. If anyone wants
the code help yourself, it's at the link above.

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