In order to do an animation of that type, you'll have to do some
dancing. You could just use the Interface library (jQuery plugin)
which has this animation style built right into it.

Check out the fx package:

The reason why jQuery doesn't have this specific effect built in is
that you have to wrap the element to animate in another element which
tends to cause a lot of weird side effects. (And which is why we leave
that functionality to plugins like Interface.)


On 7/4/07, Jon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hmm.. Unless I'm wrong that still limits me to animate in the
direction jQuery supports.
Which is:
SlideDown: .animate({ height: 'show' }); - reveals the element from
top to bottom
SlideUp: .animate({ height: 'hide }); - hides the element from bottom
to top
I want the opposite but I see no way of doing it at the moment.
That is, I want to reveal the element from the bottom to top.
I could be wrong but I don't see how I can achieve this.
Thanks for the quick answer and thanks for a great lib.

On 5 Jul., 02:20, "John Resig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Do you realize that you can do this now? There's already a .animate()
> function, you don't need any of the 1.2 functionality for that.
> SlideDown: .animate({ height: 'show' });
> SlideUp: .animate({ height: 'hide });
> SlideRight: .animate({ width: 'show' });
> SlideLeft: .animate({ width: 'hide' });
> --John

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