On Jul 10, 3:31 pm, "Andy Matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can you explain (ever so briefly) how this would be used? Is it merely a way
> to quickly place pieces on an existing board?

That's basically it - a generic game board and generic game pieces.
Just as when you and i play a board game together, a HUMAN has to
interpret the game rules (which, in the case of games being playtested/
prototyped, are always changing).

This is basically an ultra-lite version of a C++ app i wrote some
years ago called QUB (the Q Universal Boardgame):


That project is now defunct, as it grew too large to maintain (it was
taking 30 minutes to compile after each significant code change). My
goal with this app is to provide the most basic of functionality which
QUB provided, and to do so via an AJAX/AHAH framework.

When designing new boardgames it is often convenient to throw a few
pieces onto a board and just play around with some ideas. That is what
QUB was for, and that's what this JS app is for.

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