This might be of interest to you, too:

It will get you around having to do stuff like:

$.each(entry['model'], function(modIndex, mod){
               result += '<li>'+ mod + '<\/li>';

I use it all the time for merging json data into "jst" templates (jst's are just plain text/html files with template stuff in them). Works great, is quite fast, too. I've used it for a large reporting project, with giant tables of data: rather than generating a bunch of html on the server and passing it to the client, I just pass json back and use trimpath and a jst to do the merge and a simple $('#myDiv').html(mergeResults); to dump the results to screen. More fun, IMO, than the various DOM-node building plugins, too.

FYI, I usually use jquery $.get() to fetch the jst file from the server, rather than use textareas and such (which is what the simple demo's there show).

- Jack

GianCarlo Mingati wrote:
Hi all.

Here's what i learned form the book, chapter 6 (Ajax techniques).
I went faster than i expected. The book explains clearly and easily
how to dinamically insert content into a page... wow this is hooking
me as much as my r/c helicopters do.
Now i know i can use xml, json, plain html or even javascript files as
external 'data'. Personally the json methos seems the easier.
In the example my first page EVER with data from a separate json file.
I'm happy, i'm getting into this "web2.0" stuff with fun.


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