Hello everyone, I'm a bit of a noob to this whole AJAX thing so you'll have to forgive me. I've setup a blog, using jQuery the comments are added to mysql using this form plugin (http://www.malsup.com/jquery/form/#getting- started). Posting the comments work great, I was even able to add in a confirmation saying "Thank you for posting". My dilemma is showing the new comment on the page without refreshing. Here is the page to test it: (http://www.iphoneappr.com/index.php?post=48). I was thinking I could do a $.get to an external php page that queries mysql with the most current post and put it in a specific div on the page. Here is the function for the form.
<script type="text/javascript"> // wait for the DOM to be loaded $(document).ready(function() { // bind 'myForm' and provide a simple callback function $('#myForm').ajaxForm(function() { $('#thankyou').show('slow'); $('#newcomment').hide('fast'); }); }); </script> Thank you for any help! This is driving me nuts!!!!!