Looking great, Karl!

The examples page #6 shows an error in the firebug console: 503
Service Temporarily Unavailable

So that you show that you have completed your desired features.  I
just want to ask if my feature request got canned: to cache results
from ajax results so that the same clue wouldn't have to be requested
from the server multiple times?  If so, I guess that's okay since I
expect most of the data to be small.

Can't wait until it becomes a final version!!!

On Jul 13, 12:30 pm, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> beautiful! thanks for the tips!
> --Karl
> _________________
> Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com
> On Jul 13, 2007, at 3:22 PM, Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
> > Karl Swedberg wrote:
> >>> For hoverIntent integration: You could pass through
> >>> defaults.hoverIntent when calling it. That'd force you to
> >>> seperate the call to hover and hoverIntent, but may be worth it.
> >> I thought that's what I was doing, but I'm probably
> >> misunderstanding what you're saying. If you don't mind elaborating
> >> on this one, I'd love to hear it.
> > From what I saw in your source code, there is no way for me to
> > customize the hoverIntent behaviour without modifying your source.
> > You can fix that by just passing through options I specify for your
> > plugin to hoverIntent, though it would be a good idea to pass them
> > in their own object:
> > $(...).cluetip({
> >  hoverIntent: {
> >    delay: 50,
> >    ...
> >  },
> >  ...
> > });
> >> Speaking of lines/file size -- I wrote tons of inline
> >> documentation, so I hope the uncompressed file size (13.5kb)
> >> doesn't scary people off. If you strip out all the comments, it
> >> gets quite small (4.9kb) and packing it with Dean Edwards's Packer
> >> makes it smaller still (3.3kb). (Man, i've got to learn how to use
> >> that automated Ant stuff!)
> > Try to add this to build.xml:
> > <target name="cluetip" description="Build cluetip plugin.">
> >    <antcall target="generic">
> >        <param name="name" value="cluetip" />
> >    </antcall>
> > </target>
> > --
> > Jörn Zaefferer
> >http://bassistance.de

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