
Try adding "height: 200px;" to div#sidebar and you can see the problem.
Floating div#content left or right solves that problem, but does mean the
div's don't expand to fill the client area anymore :-(


On 7/16/07, Klaus Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rob Desbois wrote:
> Klaus,
> Yes, apologies the code I posted was absolute rubbish.
> The code you posted was what it actually looked like. Sorry for that!
> If you think about it the tabs styling will always break the page if
> inside a floated layout: the rule that makes the end of the ul.tabs-nav
> have "clear: both" will always force the container (if below the <ul>)
> to position itself below all previous floated elements on the page.

I cannot confirm that. Have a look here:

The float isn't cleared by the tabs (quickly tested in Firefox only).

Which browsers are you talking of?


Rob Desbois
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
"There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish" he cried, and the
whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

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