>Just minutes after typing the email for u, i realized that i had seen a
>pretty cool site from which your plugin can gather some inspiration. This
>site allows you to completely interact with any UI without any clicks at
>Along similar lines, once a user clicks the button, an extention slides
>out, asking to confirm, and if you click that extention, you got your
>Oops, i almost forgot the link - http://www.dontclick.it/

They've changed the site a bit since the last time I saw that. The "Timer"
methoding of activating a button might be a solution worth looking in to.
You need to hover over the button for a few seconds to make it "Active" (go
to "Explore" > "Button Lab" > "Click Replaced by Timer".) Maybe once it's
active you allow a user to click it.

The trickiest part would be showing the user progress of the timer before
they can click to perform the action. 

The problem is I'm still not sure how intuitive this behavior would be. I
guess a clue/tool tip that explained how to use it could be used.


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