So the "briefly disable" behaviour is not reliable enough for
"production use", IMO.

Hmmm, just thinking out loud here, did u try attaching a no-op function to


On 7/17/07, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jul 18, 2:29 am, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does disabling the element for 500ms sound like a reasonable solution
> to you? i'm not sure that disable makes much sense for non-buttons,
> but i think that buttons will make up 90%+ of use cases.
> ???

A bit of follow-up:

i've added code to implement a "disabling delay", but:

a) disabled=true only works for some elements (e.g. BUTTONS), so this
isn't usable when the click-zone is a different element. This could be
made to work by shuffling the click() handlers around and changing the
element's class (for visual disable effect), but i haven't gotten that
far along yet, and probably won't because...

b) i'm getting weird behaviours vis-a-vis cancellation/confirmation
when i quickly double-click. When quickly double-clicking, sometimes a
confirmation takes and sometimes it doesn't. i believe this has to do
with a second click getting through (or queued) before the
disabled=true has a chance to happen (classic race condition).

So the "briefly disable" behaviour is not reliable enough for
"production use", IMO.


i think i'll just punt on this perceived problem for the moment and
say, "if you're stupid enough to double-click a form element, and
thereby risk POSTing data twice, then you deserve any bugs you get." :-

But i will keep the problem in mind and search for a graceful
solution. i just won't spend too much time hacking on it until a good
idea comes around.

Thanks once again to all of you for your feedback so far.


Happy hacking!

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