On 7/18/07, Dan G. Switzer, II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You need to var the generate_to variable in the click handler. Currently
> it's a global variable, which makes the second instance overwrite the first
> instance. Change:
> generate_to = $(this).attr('for');
> to:
> var generate_to = $(this).attr('for');

Thanks. This works perfectly.

> Also, I think I'd change the plug-in a bit. IMO, I would make more sense to
> use like:
> $("#button").generate_password("#passwordField", iLength);
> That way you can attach the behavior to any element. Also, by using a
> selector for the field to update, you could update multiple fields with the
> same value (in those cases where you had both a password and confirm
> password fields.)

I think I understand but how do I handle the #passwordField part
within the plugin?


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