
I'm afraid I haven't got any alternative suggestions...

If you only need one calendar on the page and don't need a popup one as well you could implement a temporary dodgy hack... You could look for the calls to close the calendar and just comment them out... It's not pretty but could get you out of a fix,


Kelvin :)

Larry Garfield wrote:

Thanks, Kelvin.  (And sorry about misspelling your name. <g>)

I was afraid you were going to say that.  Unfortunately my timeframe allowed 
for this project is measured in hours, not weeks, so I doubt I'd even have time 
to try and figure out how to do it myself.  Is there a method that you think 
would work that you haven't tested yet, or is it just a non-available feature?

Is there some alternate plugin you can recommend?  Or some possible alternate 
interface that's similar that could be accomplished with datePicker?


--Larry Garfield

On Thu, 26 Jul 2007 14:12:14 +0100, Kelvin Luck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm afraid that it is currently exactly as you describe. A date picker
calendar (with the paging etc) only exists as a popup and if you use
renderCalendar then you don't get paging or anything.

The ability to use a date picker not in a popup is one of the two
additions I wanted to make before I stop calling the date picker v2
"beta". Unfortunately I'm really busy at work at the moment and
realistically it will probably be a couple of weeks before I get a
chance to work on the date picker again.

If you want to try and figure it out yourself then feel free and report
back on your progress, otherwise if you can wait I'll try and get it
done then,


Kelvin :)

Larry Garfield wrote:
Hello, jQuery.  My apologies if this is a dupe; the first copy didn't
seem to
go through.

I'm working with Kevin Luck's datePicker plugin, v2[1], because it
seemed the
least unsuited for what I was trying to do and I'm already using it
elsewhere.  What I'm trying to do is have an inline calendar grid rather
a popup, and have that inline grid offer paging and multi-select
abilities.  Then on submit, grab all of the selected dates and serialize
to a hidden field and submit.  I'm replacing a YUI widget that did that,
did so only on certain systems when it was in certain moods, making it
too unreliable.

According to the docs, I can get paging and multi-select in a popup
easily[2].  I can also render an inline calendar instead[3].  What I
found no documentation on and have been unable to do myself is get both
happen at the same time.  If I render my own calendar, it gets no
paging, no
select ability at all; it's really just a static read-only display.
looked at the plugin's source, but haven't been able to find any
of what I'd need to copy out or reference directly in order to get
the "picker" parts of datePicker.

Any tips on how to have my picker and see it, too, would be most
appreciated.  Samples of working code would be even better. :-)  Thanks.

[1] http://kelvinluck.com/assets/jquery/datePicker/v2/demo


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