If you need a way to identify the element with the highest z-index then you could try the :max() selector provided in the moreSelectors plugin.
Something like $("DIV:max(zIndex)") would return the DIVs with the highest z-index. It is not a publicised feature of the moreSelectors plugin because it is not widely tested, but I've used it successfully in my code. Only works with numeric style values and atributes. Given that it has to repeatedly loop through all the elements to identify the largest attribute I'd recommend sticking to a small number of` elements. Plugin page: http://jquery.com/plugins/project/moreSelectors Download: http://www.softwareunity.com/sandbox/JQueryMoreSelectors/ Cheers, George On Jul 29, 2:59 am, "Benjamin Sterling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hey Guys, > I am working on a script that requires me to take the highest z-indexed > object and send it to the back and then reset the other elements to their > appropriate zindex. > > So, if we have five items with a z-index of 1 - 5 and when five is clicked > on I need the z-index to be set to 1 and the other items to reset to 2 - 5. > > Thanks. > > -- > Benjamin Sterlinghttp://www.KenzoMedia.comhttp://www.KenzoHosting.com