Hi, i'm using the jquery.history_remote Plugin (http://
www.stilbuero.de/jquery/history/)...thanks Klaus!

My question is: How to make SET a hash foreach content showed into
"Chapter" DIV?

I'm using this to submit a Search Form to chapter div:

function load (url, formname) {
var params = $('#'+formname).fastSerialize();
var fragment = $.param( params );
//here i get the inputs from the Form
type : "GET",
url: url,
data : fragment,
// Send the inputs to search.php using Method GET (eg. cars red)
// once i get the results... (HTML formated code)
success : function(resp){$('#chapter').html(resp);},
complete : [SET THE resp into the History, so back buttons can show
last searches to/in the same DIV]

... i think is a triggered click.

Graph of my idea:
[History Initialized] -> [FORM Submit] -> [Process and get results] ->
[Show Results in  Chapter DIV] -> [SET THE REFERENCE for back Button]

Well, i'm lost.. Thanks!
PD: Sorry my bad english, i got no reply from the Spanish Mailing
List  :)

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