Hmm, try putting both of those bindings inside of a function, and calling
that function in the event, liks so:

function bindVoteButtons() {
  // ... change classes, etc
  // .. change classes, etc

btw, what is the point of multiplying numbers by 1?
x * 1 + 1 == x + 1
On 7/29/07, Jim Newfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matt:
> Ah, of course ! Here ya go ;)
> $("div.vote_against_selected").click(function(){
> //first load content
> $("div.storyinfo").load("/stories/vote/1/" + $storyid);
> //then set up new value to display
> $first_new_votes_for = $votes_for * 1 + 1;
> $first_new_votes_against = $votes_against * 1 - 1;
> if ($first_new_votes_against == "") {
> $first_new_votes_against = "0";
> }
> $("h3.votenumberfor").html($first_new_votes_against);
> $("h3.votenumberagainst").html($first_new_votes_for);
> //then we change the classes
> $(this).removeClass("vote_against_selected");
> $(this).addClass("vote_for_selected");
> //$("div.vote_against_selected").addClass("div.vote_for_selected");
> //$
> ("div.vote_against_selected").removeClass("div.vote_against_selected");
> });
> $("div.vote_for_selected").click(function(){
> //first load content
> $("div.fake").load("/stories/vote/2/" + $storyid);
> //then set up new value to display
> $new_votes_for = $votes_for * 1 - 1;
> if ($new_votes_for == "") {
> $new_votes_for = "0";
> }
> $new_votes_against = $votes_against * 1 + 1;
> $("h3.votenumberfor").html($new_votes_for);
> $("h3.votenumberagainst").html($new_votes_against);
> //then change the classes
> $(this).removeClass("vote_for_selected");
> $(this).addClass("vote_against_selected");
> //$("vote_for_selected
> vote_against_selected").removeClass("vote_for_selected");
> });
> Ok, here are my two .click functions, as you can see, when a user
> clicks to vote against the post, the class is changed, and vice versa.
> The only problem is that I can only click the .div() once, :(
> Any help, and/or advice is GREATLY appreciated!
> Thank you :)

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