>> I'm not following what you mean by "an organized site" though.

sorry, i guess, i didn't say it right.

I mean't, a site (or part of
a site) in which the user interface is designed in such a fashion that
it is easily accessible for anyone looking to learn quickly. A
blog is more sequential for this purposes although it is the best means to
keep up to date with tips and tricks we post.

People are looking to convert to jquery all the time. But the sheer volume
of plugins and a lack of a standard demo site gets people
terrified. I know atleast a couple who went to yahoo ui. But they have
nowhere to go, they deal with me on a daily basis, i will convert them
back, but what about those who just visit, get intimidated and turn
back... ???

I was thinking more along the lines of the ext js demo site -


On 8/2/07, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 2, 2007, at 5:56 PM, Ganeshji Marwaha wrote:
> Karl,
> A couple of things...
> 1.
> I am just thinking out loud here.
> Is there a way to setup up your
> blog in such a way that, if one of us posts a blog entry in our blogs (maybe 
> in a category named jquery) and express interest in including that in
> learningjquery.com, then it gets added to ur blog.
> I am probably talking about a
> "planet" kinda setup i guess. I don' think it is a bad idea to go that route 
> as well.
> I'm sure I could set up an RSS feed, but Richard Worth has already done
> that with http://planet.jquery.com/ . It looks great, and I wouldn't want
> to duplicate efforts.
> Ofcourse, authors willing to contribute directly on your blog may also be a 
> plus.
> Well, it would certainly be a plus for me. :)
> 2.
> Don't get me wrong here, frankly, the
> documentation/demo/interesting-use-cases effort is more than a series of
> blog posts in my personal opinion (i am allowed to have one right? ;-) ). It
> should be organized a little differently.
> Of course you're allowed to have an opinion. I understand your point, and
> I think it's a valid one.
> So, even if all of us post on learningjquery.com, i would still say that
> we need an organized site (visualjquery.com maybe) that can do more that
> what it does today.
> Fair enough. I'm not following what you mean by "an organized site"
> though. Visual jQuery is an awesome API viewer, but it isn't really built
> for demos/interesting-use-cases. I guess I'm a little confused now about
> what you are envisioning. Is there another site that you think does a great
> job of what you're considering for jQuery? This thread started with a
> pointer towards the Mootools demos, which, I agree, are really sharp. If
> that is what we need/what people want, then I'd like to see it reside on
> jquery.com itself, rather than spinning of another adjectivejquery.com.
> And those are my 2 cents.
> --Karl

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