
one idea....don't know how practical it would be....but you could enter a
new declaration in your stylesheet,

div#cpblock-links a:hover, div#cpblock-links a.hover {
       color: #535f68;
       text-decoration: none;

Then just before you run your routine, clone the div#cpblock-links
a:link..........add a class of hover........and retrieve the css color of
the cloned use in colorGradient plug in..............

as I say, do not know how practical this would be


On 05/08/07, Nazgulled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also would like to know how to do this if it's even possible!
> I have this on my CSS file:
> div#cpblock-links a:link,
> div#cpblock-links a:visited,
> div#cpblock-links a:active {
>         color: #ffffff;
>         text-decoration: none;
> }
> div#cpblock-links a:hover {
>         color: #535f68;
>         text-decoration: none;
> }
> And I need to get both that colors so I can use the colorGradient
> plugin. I didn't want to define the colors anywhere else (and twice)
> than the style sheet.
> On Jul 23, 10:28 pm, "Matt Penner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > IE does not support the CSS class :active but FireFox does.  I use this
> to
> > change the background color on a div to give feedback similar to a
> button
> > click.
> >
> > For IE users I attach the mousedown and mouseup events to a function
> that
> > simply does the same thing.  However, if I ever change the color in my
> > class I have to remember to change the jQuery function to match.
> >
> > Can I have jQuery find this background color attribute in the css class
> in
> > the style sheet?  If so, I could just change it once in the CSS style
> sheet
> > and jQuery would use the latest value.
> >
> > I haven't seen any examples on obtaining values from a style sheet so I
> > thought I'd ask if it was even possible.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Matt Penner

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