Hi Dan,

thanks for that fingertipp, it makes me understand its behaviour. But
nonetheless there's now the question: why is this iframe not opened as an
iframe but as a new tab? What can force a modern browser (Firefox 2.0.x) to
open an iframe in a new tab?

I'm a bit confused about that...



> -----Original Message-----
> From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Dan G. Switzer, II
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 9:06 PM
> To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [jQuery] Re: Form Plugin: Submitting async?
> Arne,
> >I'm wondering if there is a way to submit a form async, as it seems
> that
> >it's done synchronous and I cannot find any options regarding this.
> >
> >I am trying to upload a file using jQuery. I first tried jQuery.ajax,
> but
> >this did not upload the file. So I tried jQuery().ajaxSubmit() from
> the
> >official form plugin and it seems to work for the file, but it opens
> an
> >empty window/tab to send the request. Any idea how to solve this?
> >
> >Don't think there's something I could paste, as it's really only a
> oneliner
> >jQuery("form#upload").ajaxSubmit(); as of now. Don't have to set
> special
> >options except for async transfer.
> I've never used the Form Plug-in to upload a file, but I do know that
> it has
> to use an IFRAME to do this. Since XHR does not support file uploads,
> Mike
> wrote a workaround for uploading files that uses an IFRAME.
> From a quick peak at the source code, it looks like it's definitely an
> asynchronous process.
> -Dan

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