Hey everyone -

So Mike Hostetler was telling me about some Ajax queueing plugins that
he wanted to write - so I got some ideas, and less than an hour later
- here are two new Ajax queueing plugins for you to enjoy!

Lame demo:

About the plugins:

* Queued Ajax requests. A new Ajax request won't be started until the
previous queued request has finished.

                url: "test.php",
                success: function(html){ jQuery("ul").append(html); }

* Synced Ajax requests. The Ajax request will happen as soon as you
call this method, but the callbacks (success/error/complete) won't
fire until all previous synced requests have been completed.

                url: "test.php",
                success: function(html){
jQuery("ul").append("<b>"+html+"</b>"); }

Both have their uses, but ajaxSync, in particular, seems quite useful.
Let me know what you think. If this code helps you out, let me know,
and I'll throw it up somewhere.


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