Those sound really useful! Where can we get the code?


On 8/7/07, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey everyone -
> So Mike Hostetler was telling me about some Ajax queueing plugins that
> he wanted to write - so I got some ideas, and less than an hour later
> - here are two new Ajax queueing plugins for you to enjoy!
> Lame demo:
> About the plugins:
> * Queued Ajax requests. A new Ajax request won't be started until the
> previous queued request has finished.
>   Example:
>         jQuery.ajaxQueue({
>                 url: "test.php",
>                 success: function(html){ jQuery("ul").append(html); }
>         });
> * Synced Ajax requests. The Ajax request will happen as soon as you
> call this method, but the callbacks (success/error/complete) won't
> fire until all previous synced requests have been completed.
>   Example:
>         jQuery.ajaxSync({
>                 url: "test.php",
>                 success: function(html){
> jQuery("ul").append("<b>"+html+"</b>"); }
>         });
> Both have their uses, but ajaxSync, in particular, seems quite useful.
> Let me know what you think. If this code helps you out, let me know,
> and I'll throw it up somewhere.
> --John


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