Cees wrote:
Hmm - browsing through the topic i read this at the top :

On Aug 6, 9:15 pm, "Andy Matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a page which contains a long listing of records. When I scroll down
to the bottom, and click the thickbox trigger link, thickbox opens the modal
window, but it's at the very top of the page, out of sight.

So - Andy also noticed my problem of Thickbox flipping to Top of page
instead of Top of Window - so there must be something in it - problem
is i have to dig into the CSS expression - not quite my cup of tea.

Thickbox 3 is based on some modifications I did, so maybe I can help.

I'd like to know if the bug occurs in IE 7 or IE 6? The expression is used to emulate fixed positioning in IE 6, IE 7 supports fixed positioning.

The problem is that if IE 7 runs in Quirks mode the star selector hack will be applied as well, so maybe IE 7 incorrectly applies the expression in addition to its already correct fixed positioning.

You can check if IE 7 runs in Quirks mode by typing the following into the address bar and hit enter:


If it alerts "CSS1Compat" it is Standards mode, if "BackCompat", it's Quirks mode.


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