there are several ways you can solve this problem... Let me try and guide u
through a couple

1. There is a plugin called hover
The primary purpose of this plugin is to stop these kind of actions on
unintentional hovers.
So, you can allow the user to move the mouse over ur link, and when it is
clear that the users intention is to actually use the link, the hover event
is fired. This can solve your problem although, this might not be what you
are looking for.

2. You can unbind the mouseover event when the animation starts and in the
animation end callback you can bind the handler again. Same can be done for
mouse out as well. This way if the user mouseovers the link, the unbind
event happens and the animation starts. During this time if the user hovers
over it again and again, your handler wont be called because you have
unbound it already. Once the animation is done, attach the handler again.


On 8/8/07, Nazgulled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using the Interface Elements plugin (just the IFX one) to create
> some animations in my scripts but I have a little problem. For better
> descriptiong of the problem here's a test page:
> You'll see a link named "TESTE LINK". Please move the mouse over the
> link and out a couple of times really quick.
> What happened? The mouseover and mouseout animations were executed
> many times has you moved the mouse over and out of the link. Well, if
> you move the mouse over, out, over, out, over and out, while the first
> animation is still being done, I want this to be only done once and
> not repeatedly. Basically the animation over and out would be done
> just once.
> Do you understand what I'm saying? I hope so...

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