> I've just uploaded a new version of the Cycle Plugin:
> http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/

It really rocks!

> This new version adds some new transition effects, the ability to
> create custom transitions[...]  Transitions are now defined using a
> plugin scheme.  This means you can create your own transition
> definitions, plug them in to the Cycle Plugin, and then use them by
> name.  This provides a lot of flexibility, and together with the
> custom transition support lets you create some pretty wacky stuff.

I didn't look at the code yet, and the examples don't show if it is  
possible to have "dynamic" values for parameters.

I would like to know if I can use your plugin with my own custom  
transitions instead of what I did here:


Nicolas "Brush" HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

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