I moved my code over to this licence recently but I'm hosted on google code.

Google take the *very* strong view of licence prolifiration and warned
me that if I didn't change back to one of the 8 licences that they
have listed my project would be thrown off their site.  So just a
warning to anyone who would like to use this licence, google code
won't host you.

On 15/08/07, Rey Bango <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Blair,
> I have to say this was the best part of your plugin's docs:
> "This plugin is licenced with the WTFPL. In short, do whatever the f**k
> you want with it."
> I laughed my butt off on that one. ;)
> Rey
> Blair Mitchelmore wrote:
> > I released this a couple days ago but as was discussed on a previous
> > thread <http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/
> > ea0e4f59bb87cf6e> there were some method naming issues and I also
> > wanted to add a feature that another setInterval wrapper had. Lucky I
> > did, because I discovered a preexisting bug which had gone unnoticed
> > and fixed in the new release. The plugin has been renamed along with
> > the methods it defines. The url for the source file has been changed
> > as well to mirror the naming changes. I talked up some of the features
> > of the plugin in the earlier thread and I've now rewritten the demo
> > page to explain some of that better so hopefully you enjoy.
> >
> > Demo page: <http://jquery.offput.ca/every>
> > Source file: <http://jquery.offput.ca/js/jquery.timers.js>
> >
> > -blair
> >
> >

Tane Piper

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