Great work Mitch - if someone wants to beat me to you, you should move
this over to the wiki. I'll try to take a stab at it, if I can


On 8/16/07, Mitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think this is a very stimulating topic - the responses have given me
> a lot of insights to the frameworks of which jQuery belongs.
> I see there are some big issues here that kind of scare me, the one
> that stood out to me is the claim that jQurey is not for beginners who
> don't know the DOM, CSS and JS.
> I would contend that it is precisely the beginner that jQuery appeals
> to.
> Using myself as a test case - I came in knowing a little bit about JS,
> a bit more about CSS and pretty much nothing about DOM..
> I had tried to use JS and CSS to do some fancy interface work and
> really got stuck in the complexities of JS. Then I found JQ and the
> world rocked for me. Suddenly I could do amazing things with my GUIs.
> Sure I had holes in my knowledge bank, and its shown in this mailing
> list, but I think you will admit this is a pretty impressive interface
> for a beginner to make:
> I have tons to learn but what a great and fun way to get started!
> I do think there is one hole in the JQ web site and that is there are
> not enough real life examples.
> To that end I am putting together jQuery Cheat Sheet (TM) (C) How To.
> I plan to make this available for everyone to contibute to. These two
> How Tos are examples of the format I am proposing to begin with. If
> anyone has any suggestions would love to hear them. If you have some
> suggestions for How Tos let me know and I will try and create them. I
> was thinking of making this into some kind of wiki like system where
> it would allow poeple to create How Tos that ended up in this standard
> format when formatted.
> The JQ web site and other sites do a great job on explaining the API
> (even if most of the examples dont show up correclty in IE7) - whats
> missing is the practical side of the package. Real world non verbose
> examples of how to use the important features presented in a non
> trival but lucid manner, with the key concepts listed for indexing as
> well as the discussion is key to these working.
> Mitch

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