I am sure westamastaflash will reply to ur query, but in the meantime, since
i am still awake (3 PM here), i thought i will do a good deed before i goto

try $.periodic(callback, {frequency: 5});

You were using quotes for the options object. That was probably the cause of
the problem

And you mentioned "period" instead of "periodic", and i am sure that was a
typo, coz, u said it works ;-)


On 8/18/07, Pops <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 17, 5:43 pm, westamastaflash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So I wrote a periodic execution function for jQuery, similar to the
> > PeriodicExecuter function of prototype. I'd like some feedback as to
> > it's usefulness (or non-usefullness). This is my first plugin, so any
> > suggestions as to what to change are appreciated (should I use
> > jQuery.extend to create the plugin, or just assign it like this,
> > etc).
> Hi
> I'm still new to jQuery (I'm getting tired of saying that <g>) but do
> you have an example usage of your new plugin?
> I tried:
>    $.period(myCallBack);
> and this seem to work, my simple callback adds a list to a listbox to
> provide the visual.  But it only did it once.
> I was trying to change the frequency (without altering your code) but
> I'm not yet well verse to read a jQuery function or plugin to see how
> it is implemented without documentation. However, with trial and
> error, I did try this:
>    $.period(myCallBack, "{frequency: 5}");
> but that didn't seem to take.  The frequency was still 10.   An
> example will help. :-)
> > I'm trying to find a solution to a bug in firefox (but NOT internet
> > explorer) where the parallel execution of the callback function is not
> > shielded by the code (prototype's PeriodicExecuter has the same
> > problem - their example code *does not work* in firefox (firebug & web
> > developer plugin installed). Any comments are appreciated.
> Are you saying your provided code is not quite right for FF and the 1
> time callback I saw under FF is an example behavior? And under IE its
> works fine?
> --

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