Ah, thank you very much.

On Aug 27, 11:36 am, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 2:51 pm, motob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Besides file size, what is the difference between a .min and .pack
> > version of a js file? I see this a lot with the various plugins and
> > jquery library.
> A very brief overview of each can be seen here:
> http://wanderinghorse.net/computing/javascript/jquery/colorpicker/
> Scroll down to the bottom of that page.
> > What are the pitfalls and benefits of using each?
> The only pitfall i'm aware of is that the packing process occasionally
> (very rarely) does something which changes the semantics of a piece of
> code (changes its meaning), leading to a bug which isn't there in the
> unpacked source. It is impossible for a human to decode the packed
> code, so debugging these problems is difficult. The so-called YUI
> minifier (see the above link) is newer and works similarly to the
> conventional packers, but does not suffer that problem, at least in
> theory.

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