> Why would you want to delay the definition of a function?
I'm not really sure we need to, but it's basically some pre-existing code. One of those rush things where we had a problem with the DOM not being ready, and ended up blitzing all inline javascript with onready calls.

Erik Beeson wrote:
Why would you want to delay the definition of a function?


On 8/28/07, DaveG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If I use the jQuery document.ready shortcut to delay the definition of a
javascript function test(), what is the correct way to reference test()?

This does not work:
    jQuery ( function() { function test() {alert('here')} } );
    test;  // assume that test is defined at this point...

I thought it might be something like this, but no joy there either:
    localJQ = jQuery ( function() { function test() {alert('here')} } );

  ~ ~ Dave

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