[apologies if this is a dupe -- i've tried posting this twice via the
web interface, and still don't see it.]

i have a piece of code that makes it so when you click on a dt, it
reveals the sibling dd using the slideDown effect. this seems to work
fine except one one dt/dd -- in that case, clicking on the dt crashes
ie6 and ie7 (on separate computers). i've traced the problem to a
script that appears at the end of the dd; this script document.writes
a div of content to the page. this script is from an external source
and can't be modified.

other notes:

- if i replace slideDown with fadeIn, it works fine
- if i remove the script from the dd, it works fine

here is my code. please point out anything else i'm doing wrong too :)
(i know the accordion plugin could work here, but first i need to get
the designer to modify his html a bit.)

var rightColItems = $('dt',rightCol);
rightColItems.each(function() {
  $(this).css({ cursor: 'pointer' });
  $(this).click(function() {
    if ($(this).next('dd').is(':hidden')) {
      $('#right-col dd:visible').each(function() { $
(this).slideUp(); });


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