Hi Glenn,

If you are asking where the script to include the js for jquery is, it is 
located within the head tag of the first page.  my jquery js file (v 
btw) is located in the folder as both the source page and the page retrieved.

Does this answer your question?


Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 10:52:16 -0700
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: AJAX GetElementByID problem

Where is the jQuery?Glen

On 8/29/07, Kevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,

I'm trying to use an ajax call to call a 2nd page which uses a
getElementByID to set a div's content on that page.  If I just try to
call the 2nd page, I get a js error that I can't run the

getElementByID because it has no properties.  If I change the 2nd page
to be a callback function and call that via the callback function of
jquery it works fine, so it sounds like an order of operations problem

here.  Is there anyway to allow getElementByIDs without forcing them
in a callback function?

Here is my ajax call:
<div id="destDiv1">
        <script language="JavaScript">

        document.getElementById("destDiv1").innerHTML = "<div align=\"center
\"><img src=\"/ajax/ajax-loader.gif\" alt=\"Loading...\" /></div>";

            url: 'j1.html?a=' + Math.random(),
            type: 'GET', dataType: 'html', timeout: 60000,
            error: function(a,b,c){
("destDiv1").innerHTML = 'Error loading
channel' + a + "|" + b + "|" + c;
            success: function(thehtml){
                // do something with HTML

                        document.getElementById("destDiv1").innerHTML = thehtml;

Now the page to be loaded:

<div id="blah1"></div>

<script language="JavaScript">
document.getElementById("blah1").innerHTML = "<strong>hi</strong>";

This throws the error: TypeError: 
document.getElementById("blah1") has
no properties

Any ideas?



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