Michael Geary wrote:
> > IE doesn't like:
> >
> >     json = {};
> >
> > but will accept:
> >
> >    var json = {};
> Let me take a guess...
> You are executing this code inside a function, and you have an HTML element
> in your page with the id 'json'.
> ...
> Did I get it right?

Gawd, I should of seen that. :-)    It only came up because I had
temporary changed it to a global scope so that I can see it under
firebug.  It was a local scope in the working code. :-)

> > Also, I did try the original json.js from json.org and there
> > I learned that I needed to understand another concept -
> > pulling just the array from a jQuery result. This is because
> > the JSON parser was creating json for all the properties.  I
> > then realized the jQuery .get() method purpose in life.
> That's true, .get() does return a full-blooded Array object (unlike the
> jQuery result object which does have numbered elements and a .length
> property but is not a true Array).
> But I don't see how that helps you with JSON. The jQuery result object is an
> array of DOM elements, and there is no JSON representation for those. So you
> can't directly convert a jQuery result object into any kind of JSON format.

Well, this is all among those things where like a scrambled puzzle, I
am getting all my ducks line up to see how to do put many things

For example, going from a string to object and back. concatenation,
merging and unraveling.  Alot of stuff that I still need to understand
without "3rd party" libraries. :-)


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