Anyone have any input on this? Surely someone has written a tute on
these semi-confusing methods.

I've seen some of you jQuery masters bust out with these amazing
chains, but I can't quite grasp how some of them are crafted. I've
looked through the methods and found a few that I think should work in
a specific instance, but then they don't. So what I'm wondering is if
anyone has already taken some time and writen up a quick tutorial on
thefiltering/limiting methods biult into jQuery.

I'm specifically looking for help on these:

A perfect example is a situation I had earlier today. I have a series
of tags, some of which contain real values, the others containing an
 . I thought I could just use not() and remove the items which
did not have an   like so:

$('label').html().not(' ');

But that didn't work. So I'm wanting to learn HOW I can do this sort
of thing and a tutorial on these methods would help immensely.

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