Joel: nope i didn't plan on adding it, but if you want you can add it.

Brandon: thanks man!

1. The script only looks for declarations in the stylesheets, that's the
beauty of it.
2. If it was rewritten to use Brandons exellent livequery plugin it would
work with load append etc.
3. Yeah i know but I'm lazy.


2007/9/21, Fabien Meghazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Here is a simple script that solves the problem:
> >
> Cool !!
> Got some questions:
> 1) would it be possible to detect :hover declarations in css in order
> to do stuff only on css rules that actually have a :hover declared
> 2) what if a $(#foo").load("index.html") is done. Will the new
> elements loaded benefit of your plugin or should $.ie6HoverFix();
> function be called again ? Will this cause a problem if the function
> is called twice in the same DOM tree ?
> 3) As your loops have a lot of iteration I think you should avoid this
> kind of loops :
> for(var i = 0; i < cssRules.length; i++) {
> and use this instead :
> for (var i = 0, ii = cssRules.length; i < ii; i++) {
> this avoid the cssRules.length to be evaluated at each iteration (faster)
> Thanks for sharing this ! I will be able to get rid of those
>         if ($.browser.msie) {
>                 $("table tr").hover(function() {
>                         $(this).addClass("hover");
>                 }, function() {
>                         $(this).removeClass("hover");
>                 });
>         }
> laying everywhere in my pages ;-)
> --
> Fabien Meghazi
> Website:

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