I'm dong an Ajax call to retrieve some JSON and build a table from this. 
   (code posted below.)  The Ajax call is never firing the "success" 
function, but if I include an "error" function, that is called.  Yet in 
that error function, checking the status code shows a "200" and the 
response text is my JSON code.  The page in question loads just fine on 
it's own and the JSON looks fine.  So I'm not sure why the error 
condition is being called.  I'm sure it's something stupid, but I can't 
see it.  Any tips?  I've tried both jQuery 1.1.4 and 1.2.1.



     type: "get",
     url: "xhr/tc_recent.php",
     dataType: "json",
     success: function (json) {
       var tbl = "<table class=\"tblTimeCards\">";
       tbl += "<thead><tr>";
       tbl += "<th>Id</th>";
       tbl += "<th>Client</th>";
       tbl += "<th>Project</th>";
       tbl += "<th>Start</th>";
       tbl += "<th>End</th>";
       tbl += "<th>Duration</th>";
       tbl += "<th>Description</th>";
       tbl += "</tr></thead>";
       tbl += "<tbody>";
       for (var x = 0; x < json.length; x++) {
         tbl += "<tr>";
         tbl += "<td class=\"tcID\">" + json[x].id + "</td>";
         tbl += "<td class=\"tcClient\">" + json[x].organization + "</td>";
         tbl += "<td class=\"tcProject\">" + json[x].project + "</td>";
         tbl += "<td class=\"tcStart\">" + json[x].start + "</td>";
         tbl += "<td class=\"tcEnd\">" + json[x].end + "</td>";
         tbl += "<td class=\"tcDuration\">" + json[x].duration + "</td>";
         tbl += "<td class=\"tcDesc\">" + json[x].description + "</td>";
         tbl += "</tr>";
       tbl += "<tbody>";
     error: function (a,b,c) {
       alert("Error retrieving recent records\n\nstatus: " + a.status + 
"\n\n" + a.responseText);

   { id: "111", organization: "open2space", start: new Date("2007-09-24 
20:13:00"), end: new Date("2007-09-24 16:13:00"), duration: "2", 
work_type: "Programming", project: "simpleTracker", description: "Test 
8" },
   { id: "112", organization: "open2space", start: new Date("2007-09-24 
19:14:00"), end: new Date("2007-09-24 22:14:00"), duration: "3", 
work_type: "Programming", project: "simpleTracker", description: "Test 
9" },
   { id: "113", organization: "open2space", start: new Date("2007-09-24 
19:14:00"), end: new Date("2007-09-24 22:14:00"), duration: "3", 
work_type: "Programming", project: "simpleTracker", description: "Test 
9" },
   { id: "114", organization: "open2space", start: new Date("2007-09-24 
18:14:00"), end: new Date("2007-09-24 22:14:00"), duration: "4", 
work_type: "Programming", project: "simpleTracker", description: "Tst 10" }

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