Thanks Pops.

I ended up generating the HTML in my PHP code, then just doing a 
.load().  (yeah, lazy way out, I know, but... :)

I'll keep your tip in mind though.  I'll be doing a lot of Ajax with 
this app and will likely see this again soon.


Pops wrote:
> Note, in my example url: "json-data.wct"  it is my equivalent to your
> "PHP" for our web server.  In this case, json-data-wct, is simply a
> dump of:
> MyJSON({"items": [
>    { id: "111", organization: "open2space",
>      start: new Date("2007-09-24 20:13:00"),
>      end: new Date("2007-09-24 16:13:00"),
>      duration: "2", work_type: "Programming",
>      project: "simpleTracker",
>      description: "Test 8" },
>    { id: "112", organization: "open2space",
>      start: new Date("2007-09-24 19:14:00"),
>      end: new Date("2007-09-24 22:14:00"), duration: "3",
>      work_type: "Programming", project: "simpleTracker",
>      description: "Test 9" },
>    { id: "113", organization: "open2space",
>      start: new Date("2007-09-24 19:14:00"),
>      end: new Date("2007-09-24 22:14:00"),
>      duration: "3",
>      work_type: "Programming",
>      project: "simpleTracker",
>      description: "Test 9" },
>    { id: "114",
>      organization: "open2space",
>      start: new Date("2007-09-24 18:14:00"),
>      end: new Date("2007-09-24 22:14:00"),
>      duration: "4",
>      work_type: "Programming",
>      project: "simpleTracker",
>      description: "Tst 10" }
> ]});
> jsonp (note the p) works by you creating a function (in this case
> MyJSON) that will handle the data.  The response is essentially a
> "javascript" that jQuery Ajax will "eval-uate".  The javascript is a
> callback to this function with the parameter being your actual JSON
> data.
> --
> On Sep 25, 9:20 am, Pops <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I did the following to make it work:
>> I wrapped the data as such:
>> MyJSON({
>> items: [
>>  your items here
>> ]
>> });
>> then I created a function:
>> Function MyJSON(data)
>> {
>>   var json = data.items;
>>   var tbl = "<table border='1' class=\"tblTimeCards\">";
>>   tbl += "<thead><tr>";
>>   tbl += "<th>Id</th>";
>>   tbl += "<th>Client</th>";
>>   tbl += "<th>Project</th>";
>>   tbl += "<th>Start</th>";
>>   tbl += "<th>End</th>";
>>   tbl += "<th>Duration</th>";
>>   tbl += "<th>Description</th>";
>>   tbl += "</tr></thead>";
>>   tbl += "<tbody>";
>>   for (var x = 0; x < json.length; x++) {
>>     tbl += "<tr>";
>>     tbl += "<td class=\"tcID\">" + json[x].id + "</td>";
>>     tbl += "<td class=\"tcClient\">" + json[x].organization + "</td>";
>>     tbl += "<td class=\"tcProject\">" + json[x].project + "</td>";
>>     tbl += "<td class=\"tcStart\">" + json[x].start + "</td>";
>>     tbl += "<td class=\"tcEnd\">" + json[x].end + "</td>";
>>     tbl += "<td class=\"tcDuration\">" + json[x].duration + "</td>";
>>     tbl += "<td class=\"tcDesc\">" + json[x].description + "</td>";
>>     tbl += "</tr>";
>>   }
>>   tbl += "<tbody>";
>>   $(".tcList").html(tbl);
>> }
>> then I changed the ajax call to this:
>>    var xhr = $.ajax({
>>        type: "get",
>>        url: "json-data.wct",
>>        dataType: "jsonp",
>>        error: function (a,b,c) {
>>          alert("Error retrieving recent records\n\nstatus: " +
>> a.status +"\n\n" + a.responseText);
>>        }
>>      });
>> Note the "jsonp".
>> This worked.
>> --
>> HLS
>> On Sep 25, 1:38 am, sgrover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I'm dong an Ajax call to retrieve some JSON and build a table from this.
>>>    (code posted below.)  The Ajax call is never firing the "success"
>>> function, but if I include an "error" function, that is called.  Yet in
>>> that error function, checking the status code shows a "200" and the
>>> response text is my JSON code.  The page in question loads just fine on
>>> it's own and the JSON looks fine.  So I'm not sure why the error
>>> condition is being called.  I'm sure it's something stupid, but I can't
>>> see it.  Any tips?  I've tried both jQuery 1.1.4 and 1.2.1.
>>> Shawn
>>> CODE:
>>>    $.ajax({
>>>      type: "get",
>>>      url: "xhr/tc_recent.php",
>>>      dataType: "json",
>>>      success: function (json) {
>>>        alert(json.length);
>>>        var tbl = "<table class=\"tblTimeCards\">";
>>>        tbl += "<thead><tr>";
>>>        tbl += "<th>Id</th>";
>>>        tbl += "<th>Client</th>";
>>>        tbl += "<th>Project</th>";
>>>        tbl += "<th>Start</th>";
>>>        tbl += "<th>End</th>";
>>>        tbl += "<th>Duration</th>";
>>>        tbl += "<th>Description</th>";
>>>        tbl += "</tr></thead>";
>>>        tbl += "<tbody>";
>>>        for (var x = 0; x < json.length; x++) {
>>>          tbl += "<tr>";
>>>          tbl += "<td class=\"tcID\">" + json[x].id + "</td>";
>>>          tbl += "<td class=\"tcClient\">" + json[x].organization + "</td>";
>>>          tbl += "<td class=\"tcProject\">" + json[x].project + "</td>";
>>>          tbl += "<td class=\"tcStart\">" + json[x].start + "</td>";
>>>          tbl += "<td class=\"tcEnd\">" + json[x].end + "</td>";
>>>          tbl += "<td class=\"tcDuration\">" + json[x].duration + "</td>";
>>>          tbl += "<td class=\"tcDesc\">" + json[x].description + "</td>";
>>>          tbl += "</tr>";
>>>        }
>>>        tbl += "<tbody>";
>>>        $(".tcList").html(tbl);
>>>      },
>>>      error: function (a,b,c) {
>>>        alert("Error retrieving recent records\n\nstatus: " + a.status +
>>> "\n\n" + a.responseText);
>>>      }
>>>    });
>>> [
>>>    { id: "111", organization: "open2space", start: new Date("2007-09-24
>>> 20:13:00"), end: new Date("2007-09-24 16:13:00"), duration: "2",
>>> work_type: "Programming", project: "simpleTracker", description: "Test
>>> 8" },
>>>    { id: "112", organization: "open2space", start: new Date("2007-09-24
>>> 19:14:00"), end: new Date("2007-09-24 22:14:00"), duration: "3",
>>> work_type: "Programming", project: "simpleTracker", description: "Test
>>> 9" },
>>>    { id: "113", organization: "open2space", start: new Date("2007-09-24
>>> 19:14:00"), end: new Date("2007-09-24 22:14:00"), duration: "3",
>>> work_type: "Programming", project: "simpleTracker", description: "Test
>>> 9" },
>>>    { id: "114", organization: "open2space", start: new Date("2007-09-24
>>> 18:14:00"), end: new Date("2007-09-24 22:14:00"), duration: "4",
>>> work_type: "Programming", project: "simpleTracker", description: "Tst 10" }
>>> ]

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