I think event.target is what you're looking for all around, does that sound 

        var $target = $(event.target);
        if ($target.is("a.pagination"))
            return false;


> From: Matt81
> I'm currently working on a site where I load in a series of 
> links (in a list) with some pagination links underneath 
> (a.pagination) into a div via an ajax request.
> In order to bind click events to the anchors with a class 
> pagination, I've used the technique outlined on the jQuery 
> website, whereby I attach a click to the body, and then test 
> the event.target. Like so...
> $("body").click
> (
>     function(event)
>     {
>         //PAGINATION
>         if ($(event.target).is("a.pagination"))
>         {
>             $(this).parent().load($(this).attr("href"));
>             return false;
>         }
>     }
> );
> This code does not work, and I believe the problem lies with 
> the use of the "this" keyword - could it be I'm referring to 
> the body element.
> As the content is loaded into the parent of the links, I need 
> a solution based along these lines... so any help would be 
> very much appreciated.

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